The [n nature] It gives us places and moments to enjoy great experiences and what better than doing it in the company of our dog. From [He is born] We give you some advice so that the route with our dog is as satisfactory as possible.

[n Adapted routes]
When considering going on a hiking route with dogs, we must take into account several factors such as choosing an appropriate route for the [no physical conditions] of our animal and consider if the [no path] It has insurmountable steps for our dogs. There are protected areas such as Natural Parks, in which access with animals is not allowed. It is advisable to find out in advance to avoid possible sanctions or not being able to make the scheduled route. If we are going to make a route through places where there have been cattle or cyclists, It must be taken into account that in this section the dog will have to be kept on a leash, to avoid an approach.

The most recommendable would be a route with areas of water, the dog will cool off and have fun, with shadows and shelters from the sun, as well as fresh grass and sandy soils, much better than stony ones for their pads.

[n The weather for the route]
Another factor to take into account is the weather., since the material we need to bring for the animal will depend on it. We must consider your [no water] as a basic element to always take on the road regardless of the time of year in which we find ourselves. Most likely, on a route our dog will drink more water than we do, that's why you should never miss it.
In addition, it is not essential that we carry [no food] since with feeding once a day, dogs have more than enough, although we can always bring some fruit or a small snack.

[n Route material]
Las [no leashes and harnesses] They are the best option when it comes to taking our hiking dog. Although we are in the middle of nature, we are enjoying a public space and, therefore, our dog must be on a leash out of respect for the animals in the area and potential users. If we habitually wear them loose, pay attention to what they do, without losing sight of them at all times. Other materials can be reflective collars, to have better visibility of the animal, muzzle, long straps, whistle for help, first aid kit, etc.

More information about our routes and activities to do with your pet [ HERE]