Everyone knows very well [n back] for its stinging properties, but not everyone knows that this plant belongs to the group of edible wild plants and also has endless beneficial properties..

You have to be very careful when collecting it and it is recommended to do it in places clean of crop pesticides. The fresh leaves of the green nettle have a strongly irritating action on the skin., that's why [n don't forget to wear gloves to pick it up!] nettle, whose scientific name is Urtica Dioica, It is a wild plant that grows spontaneously and is rich in Vitamins A., from group B, C, E and minerals like iron, soccer, magnesio o zinc. It's a [n excellent food] that can be consumed alone or in combination with different vegetables and above all it is free.

among his many [n properties] We emphasize that it is a diuretic, helping us eliminate waste from our body; helps fight dandruff and hair loss; promotes the functions of the digestive system; strengthens nails and hair, has antibacterial properties; promotes good blood circulation; combat the physical and mental tiredness, and regulates oily skin.

Nettle can be consumed by making an infusion, Its leaves can be added to salads, green smoothies, purees, soup, fillings, etc. But after collecting them it is advisable to let them rest for a while, then wash it and cook it 10 minutes in boiling water. Here we leave you one [n healthy recipe] based on nettle: meatballs with spring nettle shoots.

[n Ingredients for 2 personas]

400 gr of potatoes, 300 gr of nettle, 3 eggs, 100 gr of flour, 60 gr of grated cheese, Nutmeg, Salt and pepper and extra virgin olive oil

[n Elaboration of meatballs with nettles]

Wash the nettle sprouts and cook them in boiling water for 10 minutes; drain well and chop. Boil the potatoes separately, press them and add them to the sprouts; add 2 whole eggs and one yolk and one stir well; add grated cheese, sal, pepper and nutmeg. make dumplings, pass them in the flour and then fry them. They can also be cooked in the oven 180 degrees per 10 minutes.

Time of preparation | 50 minutes Difficulty | Baja

And you, How would you prepare the nettle?