He [griffon vulture] It is one of the most representative birds and one that best characterizes the landscape of the [n Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park]. In its steep limestone pits we find one of the largest populations in Europe.

From the watchtowers where they usually perch, they are able to contemplate a large amount of territory, spotting possible carrion on which to drop.. The moment one of them detects a dead animal, the flights begin to mark the site., so at the moment a large number of vultures will fly in circles and hover over it, falling on him, to make it practically disappear, save your bones, in a matter of minutes.

The work of cleaning the forest that these large birds carry out is essential, because they eliminate animal corpses in a very effective way, even more so in this mountainous area where livestock farming takes on special importance, and where many animals die in places from where it is difficult and expensive to remove them.