What [n Cadiz] It is an ancient land, it is something that we all know, but finding remains in corners of the province about these events is even more enigmatic.

We refer to the [n Pope's Chair] , in the Sierra de la Plata, a massive rocky site that had the character of a temple, which can be accessed by stairs carved in the same. Here there could have been a prehistoric sanctuary in the Iron Age where we can find the typical paintings and figures of the time carved in the rock and of which very little is known..

The first settlements in the Silla del Papa date back to the 10th and 9th century BC.. Upon arriving at the place, the Turdetans had to fight against a colony of Lusitanos who were exploiting the silver mine as well as the natural resources of the area., also taking advantage of its strategic location as a fortified surveillance post of the countryside and the beach. Over the years this settlement became a city of Bastulo-Punic origin called Bailo that ended up being abandoned at the time of Emperor Augustus at the end of the 1st century BC.. to give place on the coast to the city of Baelo Claudia.

[n The Pope's Chair route] It will make you venture out and discover these remnants of our oldest and most unexplored history.. We will be able to see first hand incredible archaeological remains such as engravings, housing platforms, niches and carved stones. All this in the Sierra de la Plata, a unique balcony from which to see the inlet of Bologna, Rate, Caños de Meca and Trafalgar, the old Laguna de la Janda and Facinas.

More information about this activity [www.genatur.com/proximas-actividades/ HERE]