The Feast of [n San Anton, animal pattern], is held annually on 17 from January.
[Saint Anthony Abbot] was a hermit monk who was born in the year 250, son of wealthy peasants, he distributed his inheritance among the poor and retired to the desert. Legend has it that a wild pig decided to accompany him all his life., once the Saint granted him the miracle of restoring sight to his pigs. That's why, It is common in the representations of San Antón to see a tamed pig at his feet, an image that makes him the protector of animals.
The tradition goes back to the [n Middle Ages], since it was customary for peasants to entrust themselves to the saint as protector of animals against attacks by predators and diseases. It was in this way that the blessing of San Antón became synonymous with the guarantee of health and well-being for domestic animals throughout the year..
Since the middle of the 18th century, the festivity has been celebrated in our country with pilgrimages, light bonfires, organize markets and, of course, animal parades and pilgrimages for their blessing.
This day has become with the passage of time, in a day to raise awareness of respect for animals by children and adults. [He is born] he is the godfather of the chameleon [ Zoobotanico] from Jerez.